12 Days of Christmas - Day 2

🎄 "On the second day of Christmas, my true love gave to me...." 🎄

I thought the focus for Day 2 should be No. 2... haha. Take a moment to think about your poop. 3 times per day to 3 times per week is considered “normal” for bowel movements. You want nice, smooth poop and not rabbit pellets or a mushy pile. If you’re pooping little rabbit pellets, it may be why you’re leaking urine or any number of other pelvic floor symptoms.

Enjoy! 🎁

💩 Constipated? Try using a stool or squatty potty to bring your knees above your hips. This relaxes the muscle that helps hold your poop in when you don’t want it to come out.

💩 Water intake, fiber intake, movement, and breathing properly can all help you get more “regular.”

💩 Getting regular movement throughout the day can help with bowel regularity and constipation, especially walking after meals.

💩 Working with a pelvic health therapist can help determine the right recipe for movements, and possibly lifestyle modifications that can help you get back to dry pants and regular BMs.

💩 Best foods for healthy poop - in addition to a fiber-rich, well-hydrated diet, specific whole plant foods can contribute to healthy bowel movements: Apples, chia seeds, flaxseeds, prunes, legumes, bananas, artichokes, kiwi, oats, pears, pumpkins, leafy greens, and mushrooms.

As always, let me know what you think. I read every email!

NOTE: This series is 12 days long, so I will be sending emails for those 12 days - after this series my newsletter will go back to once a month.

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