12 Days of Christmas - Pelvic Health Edition, Day 7

🎄 "On the 7th day of Christmas, my true love gave to me...." 🎄

We're moving the focus from the pelvic floor to the floor... to your feet, that is. The feet are directly connected to the pelvic floor through the deep front line. Since I’m an occupational therapist who has an aversion to feet, I have to search outside of my comfort zone to overcome this and work with feet. But seriously, your foot mobility is CLUTCH for pelvic floor function.

Enjoy! 🎁

I’ve borrowed these exercises from one of my favorite Instagram influencers @GaitHappens, so please go check out their page for even MORE foot work.

🦶Rolling the ball under your foot - This is something we should all do every day. Foot rolling stimulates thousands of nerve endings and gets the brain and the foot talking.

🦶Banded toe spread - splaying your toes is important. This improves balance, strength and alignment of the toes. So get the toes moving, practice toe splaying, and add resistance to beef up those foot muscles if you choose.

🦶Banded toe press - This strengthens the muscles and tendons of the foot and targets the flexor hallucis longus (FHL) - which helps with push off with walking/running, and also supports the plantar fascia.

🦶Toe spacers - These babies promote toe spread throughout the day. Spacers help align the toes with the metatarsals (the long bones of the foot) which can help combat years of wearing narrow footwear. I have my favorite toe spacers, and will highlight them in my newsletter in the new year.

NOTE: This series is 12 days long, so I will be sending emails for those 12 days - after this series my newsletter will go back to once a month.

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