Power to the Pelvis - Issue #9, June 2024

Power to the Pelvis

Power to the Pelvis - Issue #9, June 2024

Hello friends!

Here's your Power to the Pelvis newsletter for June! How is it nearly mid-June already?! We just wrapped up our homeschool year a couple of weeks ago in time for some family to visit and warmer weather here in Colorado! The kids have enjoyed some field trips with our wild+free group, and we're gearing for our first big road trip as a family of 5! Wish me luck!!

* Tip of the Month: The vagus nerve and pelvic health

The vagus nerve - it seems to be a buzz word these days. What does the longest cranial nerve in the body have to do with your pelvic floor and overall pelvic health?

The vagus nerve influences the pelvic floor muscles through its connection to the parasympathetic nervous system - your rest and digest system. It also has branches that connect to the pelvic floor muscles, making it an essential component in maintaining their proper function. Dysfunction of the vagus nerve can contribute to pelvic floor issues, and pelvic floor therapy can help improve its function and alleviate symptoms. When the vagus nerve is activated and the body is operating in a parasympathetic state, it can promote relaxation of the pelvic floor, which is important for functions like bladder control and sexual health, especially when it comes to pelvic pain diagnoses.

Here are some ways to stimulate your vagus nerve naturally:

  • Deep breathing: taking slow, deep breaths from your diaphragm and rib cage - note: this also should be lengthening your pelvic floor through the diaphragm-pelvic floor connection
  • Cold exposure: shorts bursts of cold showers, splashing cold water on your face, or drinking ice water
  • Singing, chanting or humming: these activities stimulate the muscles of the throat and voice box, which are connected to the vagus nerve, and connected to the pelvic floor via fascial connections
  • Somatic movement: somatic movement is wonderful for the body, and can even help work through trauma. I could nerd out on beauty of the polyvagal theory, and the importance of balance in the autonomic nervous system, but for the sake of length of the newsletter will leave this link for anyone interested in more info.
  • Meditation and mindfulness: practices that promote relaxation and focus can help with calming your overall body, thus stimulating the vagus nerve in that "rest and digest" state. Yoga, listening to a meditation, and progressive muscle relaxation are all great ways to connect to your vagus nerve

Here's a great article on tuning into your stress levels and how this can relate to pelvic floor issues!

* Blog I'm reading

As a nature-loving homeschool mama, as well as a holistic pelvic floor therapist, the idea of grounding on a daily basis seems like a wonderful idea. I know I let my kids play outside barefoot, but I haven't really done this intentionally for myself as often anymore.

What is grounding? Grounding, also sometimes called earthing, refers to a practice that involves connecting your body to the earth's natural electrical energy. This is typically done by:

  • Walking barefoot on natural surfaces: This allows direct contact between your bare feet and the earth's conductive surface.
  • Sitting or lying on the ground: Similar to walking barefoot, this establishes a connection with the earth's electrical field.
  • Using grounding mats, sheets, or other conductive products: These products are designed to simulate the connection to the earth while indoors or on non-conductive surfaces.

The theory behind grounding suggests that the earth has a negative electrical charge, and by connecting to it, you can absorb free electrons. Proponents believe this can have various benefits, including:

  • Reduced inflammation
  • Improved sleep
  • Reduced stress and anxiety
  • Pain relief
  • Faster healing

Sounds great to me! I'm all about reducing inflammation, having better sleep and reducing stress, pain and anxiety. And think of how this can help your parasympathetic nervous system, and also your pelvic floor! I think I'll let my kids continue explore the earth with their hands and bare feet, and join them in the grounding fun more often!

For more reading on grounding, check out this Wellness Sunday Tip blog post from Birth Bliss. Her blog is where I got the inspiration to add grounding to my newsletter this month. Enjoy!

Did you try any of these tips? I'd love to know what you think. I read every email! And if you have something you are curious about or want more information on, let me know... maybe I'll add it to my next newsletter!

See you next month!

P.S. Experiencing vaginal dryness? Try KINDRA's Daily Vaginal Lotion or V Relief Serum. They can be used in conjunction with one another for increased comfort and moisturizing power, or stand alone to help soothe and moisturize your V! Great for sensitive skin as well. Use code: GETRELIEF for 20% off of your order.

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"The knowledge and heart you have is so invaluable! Thank you for sharing your knowledge and educating me and the ladies in our gym. I am excited about your future!!!"

-quote from recent workshop

1942 Broadway Street STE 314C, Boulder, CO 80302

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