Power to the Pelvis newsletter

Issue #1

Power to the Pelvis

Hello friend!

Here's your Power to the Pelvis newsletter for October! I'm trying out this name, so let me know what you think!

* Tip of the Month: Cycle Syncing

This is something that I started doing this past year to really take charge of my cycle, awareness of my moods and my energy, and my pelvic floor health. While I can't promise perfection in your cycle, I can say that learning when you should be more social and plan events, do higher intensity exercise, or take more time to yourself and eat more comforting foods has been super helpful to me. Claire Baker is seriously a period whisperer. She says "If you want to learn how to flow with your natural rhythm (rather than pushing against it) to experience more ease and clarity in your life, then I’m your woman. And we’ll have a good time doing it. Because joy and the menstrual cycle are not mutually exclusive — you might even come to enjoy having your period... I hope so!"

Click here for more info on cycle syncing!

* YouTube I'm loving

Thoracic mobility is super important for pelvic and core health. Lacking thoracic mobility could result in loss of range of motion over time resulting is loss of respiratory function and core/pelvic floor dysfunction.
Did you know incontinence is linked with poor thoracic mobility?
When you twist, do your hips move too?

Click this link for a great twisting flow to add some thoracic mobility to your routine!

* Blog I'm reading

Hayley Kava, PT, is one of my favorite IG pelvic health practitioners. She often posts about real pelvic health issues and tips in a humorous way. Her blog is a wealth of information as well. This one is about a postural shift to change bladder urgency/frequency. I'm a geek for the orthopedic side of things, so if that's NOT you that's ok - just watch her video and try it out for yourself :)

Did you try any of these tips? I'd love to know what you think. I read every email!

See you next month!

P.S. Having a good, clean lube is SUPER important. Right now I'm loving Uberlube - it's silky, smooth and has multiple uses - Style/Sex/Sport.

1942 Broadway Street STE 314C, Boulder, CO 80302
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