Power to the Pelvis newsletter - December 2023, Issue #3

Issue #3

Power to the Pelvis

Merry Christmas, friends!

Here's your Power to the Pelvis newsletter for December! I can't believe 2023 is coming to a close. I've heard the saying "the days are long but the years are short." It's SO true!! As we approach the end of another year, I try to reflect on all that has happened this year and it seems like it has flown by so fast. As a homeschooling mom of young children we've had a lot of field trips and nature days, zoo days, outdoor play, and afternoon tea time (and yes, my kids like tea!). I hope this year has brought you some wonderful memories and adventures as well. My biggest adventure and accomplishment this year was diving in and starting my private pelvic health practice. I have felt called to treating pelvic health for years and finally made it a reality. I truly love helping people and want the best for each and every one of my clients.

This year I decided to put out a 12 Days of Christmas - Pelvic Health Edition! You can click on the PINK link below to check that out. I'll also be posting it on my Facebook and Instagram feeds for those of you who may not be as caught up with your emails.

Thank you for being a subscriber. I appreciate every one of you and I want to wish you all the best for 2024!

* Tip of the Month: Squat... to poop?

I'm going to ask you some personal questions. Do you have trouble pooping? Ever strain or hold your breath with bowel movements? Or feel constipated? You may have tried dietary changes like eating more fiber or drinking more water, but have you tried using a stool?

Let me get behind the science of how your potty posture affects elimination. When you sit on the toilet with your feet on the floor, likely your hips and knees are at a 90-degree angle (okay, some of you shorter-stature people might be saying "nope" but keep reading). When you sit in this position, or when you're standing, the puborectalis muscle basically kinks the rectum and pulls it forward - so it can keep the poop inside. However, when you have a squatting posture by using a stool, or squatty potty, the puborectalis muscle releases the hold on the rectum and allows things to flow as nature intended.

So, bottom line (did you see what I did there?) - get yourself a stool to try out (or buy a squatty potty). The goal is ~35 degree angle at the hips, but play around with leaning forward or backward for your most comfortable position.

BONUS: Reduced straining! Straining can weaken your pelvic floor, which can lead to more bladder/bowel control problems or even pelvic organ prolapse... So, squat to poop for a happier pelvic floor.

If you want a more in depth discussion from Squatty Potty, click here!

* IG I'm loving (and a fun holiday challenge)

I know I've mentioned Gait Happens before, and they recently posted a challenge that I thought was a cute, fun activity for some foot-brain connection to do at your next holiday party or with your kids (or grandkids!) this holiday season.

The Snowman Challenge

Items needed: Paper, markers, and tape to tape your picture to the floor (if you want)


  • Draw with the marker in between your toes
  • You can't use your hands (except to hold your paper if you choose not to use tape)
  • Your snowman must have eyes, a nose, a top hat, a smile and arms

Here's mine, as well as the one my 7 year old daughter made (she also wanted to make a "good" snowman that she could draw with her hands). We had a lot of fun. I hope you get to try it!

Click here for the 12 Days of Pelvic Floor Christmas Edition

Did you try any of these tips? I'd love to know what you think. I read every email!

See you next month!

P.S. Having a good, clean lube is SUPER important. Right now I'm loving Uberlube - it's silky, smooth and has multiple uses - Style/Sex/Sport. Use discount code pelvichealth10 for 10% off of your purchase.

P.P.S. Are you looking for natural, clean supplements for wellness and overall health? Take a look at Earthley products. I use them regularly for the whole family. Some of my favorites are their Good Night lotion (see below) and their Elderberry syrup. We use the make your own packets, but they also have an easy, ready-to-use elixir. Use code CHOOSENATURAL for 10% of of your 1st order.

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